Destination Central West NSW


DNCW projects that align with and will directly contribute to achieving objectives outlined in various plans and strategies.

Agritourism Development Program
Agritourism Development Program

DNCW has engaged the services of industry development experts Sparrowly Group to undertake research with stakeholders to better understand the challenges, perceptions and opportunities that Agritourism presents for the Central West region of NSW.

Cycle Strategy
Cycle Strategy

DNCW engaged specialists to understand the opportunities and challenges to grow cycle tourism as part of the development of the Central West NSW visitor economy.

Industry Development
Industry Development

DNCW has appointed industry specialists The Destination Agency to identify the training needs; develop resources aligned with the NSW First suite of training programs; and provide workshops for tourism businesses and other visitor economy focused stakeholders across the Central West NSW region.

Product Audit
Product Audit

DNCW has appointed industry specialists The Tourism Collective to undertake a product audit and gap analysis of the region’s tourism product to identify the region’s top 20% of product aligned to experience strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Research & Data Review
Research & Data Review

DNCW has appointed research specialists Destination Research to undertake a review of research and data sources and services used and needed to assist local area stakeholders (LGAS/LTOS) to make informed decisions about visitor economy growth and development in a timely manner.

Visitor Economy Infrastructure
Visitor Economy Infrastructure

DNCW has appointed industry specialists TRC Tourism, to undertake a review of visitor economy related infrastructure across the region.

Choose Tourism NSW Program
Choose Tourism NSW Program

The Choose Tourism Program aims to boost the visitor economy workforce and promote the industry as a career choice.

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