Destination Central West NSW

Choose Tourism NSW Program

Boosting the visitor economy workforce and promoting the industry as a career choice.


Expanding on the success of the 2022–23 pilot program, the South Coast Centre of Excellence, a $1.4 million campaign to encourage young people, First Nations Australians, seniors and people living with a disability to pursue a career in tourism is being rolled out across regional NSW.

Funded by the Albanese Government and delivered by Destination NSW, the Choose Tourism NSW Program addresses industry workforce shortages by encouraging Australians to pursue a career in the visitor economy while helping operators to attract,
retain and upskill staff.

The rollout will include five diverse initiatives to help bolster the tourism sector workforce in regional areas including a schools’ program, targeted career promotion, vocational webinars, mentoring by industry leaders and professional development events. The Choose Tourism Grant Program funding will also support a partnership with TAFE NSW to develop bespoke visitor economy training programs.

Destination Central West are part of the Project Team supporting Destination NSW with the delivery of the Choose Tourism NSW Program.

Find out more about the Choose Tourism NSW Program here.

Employer of Choice | Professional Development Day

The NSW Choose Tourism Program presented a full-day professional development program for tourism and tourism-related businesses in Orange on Monday 17 June 2024. Twenty-five operators from across the Central West NSW discovered how to position their business as an employer where people want to work.

Being an employer of choice helps put your business ahead of others when you are trying to recruit and retain the best people. It requires a strategic approach that begins with understanding what people value most when deciding where they wish to work.

The program included presentations from experts who provided practical examples of how operators could align their business to attract and build a skilled workforce through a positive workplace culture, strong business practices in customer service and the latest technology available to attract forward thinking employees.

Tourism & Hospitality Experience Schools Day Program

The Choose Tourism NSW Tourism & Hospitality Experience Schools Day (T.H.E. Schools Day) program is designed to inspire and attract high school students to consider a career in tourism and/or hospitality.

A full-day workshop held in Orange on Tuesday 18 June 2024, showcased a range of presentations from local experts who are sharing their career journeys with attendees.

Students received information on pathways to building a career in tourism and/or hospitality through study options available either through school-based programs or when they leave school.

They are also offered opportunities such as work experience with local visitor economy businesses or the option to volunteer for local events to start their career journey.

Date Completed Funding Source Facilitator Value of Project
June 2024 Federal Government Destination NSW $1,400,000
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