Destination Central West NSW

Industry Development

Empowering tourism businesses and stakeholders through a tailored suite of training programs and resources


Destination Central West MSW (DNCW) appointed industry specialists The Destination Agency to identify the training needs; develop resources aligned with the NSW First suite of training programs; and provide workshops for tourism businesses and other visitor economy focused stakeholders across the Central West NSW region. 

Industry Development

Stage One - Needs Analysis

A survey was designed to identify the training needs of Central West NSW tourism operators that are aligned to NSW First resources. The survey was distributed to stakeholder and industry databases. Seventy-seven (77) responses were collected and the findings helped to inform workshop delivery.

Stage Two - Training Resources Development

Findings of the Needs Analysis (Stage One) and NSW First training resources informed the design and development of focussed Central West Industry Workshop resources.  Workplans were created for participating operators to implement key learning areas relevant to their business operations. 

Stage Three - Workshop Delivery

The M.A.P (Memorable - Authentic - Partnered) workshops provided an interactive demonstration of how to deliver a great tourism experience and the fundamentals of marketing your tourism business. Over 100 tourism operators attended the workshops delivered in Bathurst, Cowra, Forbes, Lithgow, Mudgee, Oberon, Orange and  Parkes throughout September 2023.

Date Completed Funding Source Facilitator Value of Project
October 2023 Destination Central West NSW The Destination Agency $50,000
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