Destination Central West NSW

Cycle Strategy

Positioning the Central West NSW as a safe and connected network of cycling experiences that immerse the visitor in landscapes, communities & produce


Cycle tourism is emerging as a pivotal aspect of the visitor experience in Central West NSW, offering a unique opportunity to enhance economic growth and community well-being.

The Central West is already establishing itself as a cycling destination, with a variety of routes from scenic back roads to wine trails and proposed rail trails. View the current Central West NSW cycling options.  The region boasts accessible scenic landscapes, cultural offerings and genuine rural hospitality, creating an ideal backdrop for cycling enthusiasts of all types, with particular emphasis on the suitability of the region for gravel grinding and linked trails.

Participation in cycling activities has surged in recent years, opening doors for investments in quality experiences that not only boost local economies but foster community cohesion and improve public health. To capitalise on this momentum, a regional approach to planning is essential – one that crosses local and regional boundaries. Coordinated trail development not only enhances user experience but also facilitates seamless connectivity, ensuring efficient resource allocation and an improved user experience.

Looking ahead, strategic investments in cycling experiences that align with regional and state-level tourism strategies, will drive economic growth and job creation. Collaboration among stakeholders is crucial to realising the vision for cycle tourism, ensuring sustainable growth and meaningful connections between visitors and the region's cultural and natural assets.

Central West NSW Cycle Tourism Opportunities Strategy

Destination Central West NSW (DNCW) engaged the services of sector specialists TRC Tourism, to understand the opportunities and challenges to grow cycle tourism as part of the development of the Central West visitor economy.

The project identified ways to leverage cycle tourism to benefit the community economically, socially, and environmentally. Drawing on their extensive experience in cycle tourism, the TRC Tourism team focused on the unique strengths and needs of Central West NSW.

The Strategy evaluated different cycle tourism segments and new opportunities to position the region for its cycling strengths and deliver a tailored strategy to enhance the Central West visitor economy.

Central West NSW Cycle Tourism Opportunities Strategy 2024 - 2030
Date Completed Funding Source Facilitator Value of Project
May 2024 Destination Central West NSW TRC Tourism $29,970
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